small_tab1_Serie EM-TRF
small_tab1_Serie EM-TRF


For the connection of EASYLAB to the 230 V mains


Expansion module for the direct connection of EASYLAB controllers Type TCU3 and adapter modules Type TAM to the 230 V mains

  • Double-stack terminal blocks for 230 V supply voltage connection
  • Electric plug connection to the main PCB
  • The expansion module is fitted into the casing with the EASYLAB base component



  • Expansion module Type EM-TRF for the EASYLAB system
  • For the connection of EASYLAB base components (controller TCU3 or adapter module TAM) to the 230 V AC supply voltage (mains)
  • Power supply for the base component and the connected modules
  • Factory mounted or for retrofitting into the EASYLAB base component casing

Special characteristics

  • Ready for installation, can be easily connected to the main PCB
  • Double-stack terminal blocks for 230 V AC supply voltage connection
  • Simple electrical connection of expansion module and EASYLAB main PCB using a connection plug
  • Simple wiring of switch-operated fume cupboard lighting in combination with the EM-LIGHT expansion module


Parts and characteristics

  • Mains transformer 230 V AC (primary), 24 V AC (secondary)
  • PCB plug connector to connect the module to the EASYLAB main PCB

Construction features

  • PCB dimensions and fixing points correspond to the EASYLAB main PCB and the casing
  • Fixing with screws
  • Double-stack terminal blocks for simply 230 V supply voltage connection

Información técnica

  • Function
  • Technical data
  • Specification text
  • Order code


Expansion module for the EASYLAB base component (controller TCU3 or adapter module TAM) that can be directly connected to a 230 V AC supply voltage. The expansion module includes a transformer whose secondary voltage (24 V) is equal to the supply voltage for the controller and the expansion modules connected to it.

Special characteristics

  • Ready for installation, can be easily connected to the main PCB
  • Double-stack terminal blocks for 230 V AC supply voltage connection
  • Simple electrical connection of expansion module and EASYLAB main PCB using a connection plug
  • Simple wiring of switch-operated fume cupboard lighting in combination with the EM-LIGHT expansion module

Technical data

  • Supply voltage: 230 V AC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz
  • Power consumption: up to 40 VA for a controller with all expansion modules; up to 35 VA for a fume cupboard controller with control panel; up to 33 VA for a room controller with control panel; up to 29 VA for a room controller without control panel; up to 9 VA for an EASYLAB adapter module TAM
  • Double-stack terminal blocks: Cable cross-section up to 2.5 mm²
  • Protection level: IP 20


Información sobre el producto

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